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The third Mysterio, Francis Klum, is a mutant with the power to teleport and to take control of other people's bodies. The suit also contains an acid that can dissolve Spidey's webbing, and offensive weapons like lasers. For example, his domed helmet contains a portable air supply and a sonar system that allow Beck to safely navigate his debilitating gases (one of which cancels out Spider-Man's Spider-Sense). Mysterio has also augmented his costume with various gadgets and pieces of weaponry. Coupled with his talent for chemistry, robotics, and hypnotism, Mysterio's illusions often blur the line between reality and fantasy, to the point where his work seems almost supernatural in nature. Mysterio's Powers and AbilitiesAs a former special effects artist, Beck has a knack for designing illusions so convincing that even heroes like Spider-Man are utterly fooled. Even death seems incapable of stopping him for long. While several successors have briefly taken up the mantle of Mysterio, Quentin Beck will always hold the strongest claim to that title.

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With his talent for creating convincing illusions and gadgets that specifically counter Spider-Man's abilities, Mysterio has been a constant thorn in the hero's side since the early days of his superhero career.

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This gifted but under-appreciated special effects artist has chosen to focus his skills on becoming a supervillain. Play Mysterio Explained: The BasicsHe may look funny, what with the purple cape and giant fishbowl helmet, but Mysterio is one of Spider-Man's most dangerous foes.

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